need my discussion to be done

Step 1: This week, please read Chapter 1 in The Other Wes Moore. As you read, take notes on the setting, characters, and important events. Then, answer the questions below. Your response is due by Thursday, March 18th at 11:59pm.

Why was it so important to Joy Moore to punish the Author when he hit Nikki? How did his father react? What do we learn about Joy Mooreâ€s history that would make her react to this incident in such a way?
Why did the Author’s father pass away?
On pages 16-18, Mary Moore receives a letter explaining that her Pell Grant was no longer available. Talk about how her life may have been different if this letter never came. How did this news change her goals and her path in life?
Why was the Other Wes’s father absent from his life?

Step 2: Then, respond to the posts of two other classmates in a minimum of 50 words. What about their response is interesting? Raises questions? Helped you understand the reading better?
Please respond to people whose posts havenâ€t been replied to yet when possible.

Students must post their initial response to the assignment by 11:59pm on Thursday, March 19th and respond to two classmates by 11:59pm on Saturday, March 21st.
This online assignment is worth 10 points. Students will earn partial points if the required posts are incomplete or if the word count minimum is not met. The initial post is worth 5 points and each peer response is worth 2.5 points.
Last but not least, please proofread and use a professional tone (no slang). It shouldn’t look like a text message.

this is the link of the book and also need to two replays for other 2 students, thanks.
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