pick one o connor story and three literary devices reasons used within one of the stories and create a simple essay 1

Write a 3-4 page essay response to the following prompt. Your essay must be in MLA format and must include a Work Cited page. Please submit it to me as an attached PDF, RTF, or Word doc. using the Submit Assignment electronic portal above no later than 9:00 AM Thursday morning May 28, 2020.
This is a reader response exercise. It is clear that Catcher or Oâ€Connorâ€s short stories have evoked some emotion or thought in many of you, whether revulsion, confusion, praise, condemnation, tolerance, inspiration, boredom, and so on. Whatever that thought process or emotion is, please hold on to it. Now, think about three concrete reasons or literary devices used within just one of the stories that you have read this semester that have helped evoke this reaction from you. Reasons and literary devices will vary. Here are just a few: characterization, setting, plot pattern, tone, narrative style, diction, descriptions, symbolism, use of hyperbole, use of foreshadowing, cultural sentiments, political message(s), use of religion, resolution, theme, profanity, racial discord, originality or lack thereof, rebellion against power structures, ambiguity…etc. Once you have selected the story and the three reasons/devices, write a simple essay (five paragraphs are sufficient) examining how those three elements have aroused the respective thought or emotion in you. Please note that your essay must include evidence from the story in each supporting paragraph, and it must not exceed four pages, counting the Work Cited page.
Helping Note: Thesis is the emotion/thought that is incited, and plan of development points are the three reasons/literary devices that have stirred this reaction. You may write this essay in the first person, if you prefer. Best of luck/skill!
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