power point presentation 184

Human factors are considered the weakest link to security, which makes it crucial to change user behavior. The changes primarily consist of workplace behavior, and work activities to stay compliant with standards, guidelines, and procedures of the security policy. Behavior modification involves some level of learning of the user.
You are the security trainer of a cloud service provider, research the threats, common workplace problems, issues, human errors, and others that relate to an employee working in the Information Technology field, then create a workplace security program.
A few ideas to get started are encrypting hard drives, no outside storage devices can be brought to work, awareness of threats internal and external. You will need to provide 20 slides and a video presenting the information to be used with the employee’s training and on boarding program.
Keywords: Security awareness, education, and training program

Provide a minimum of 20 slides

Must include a reference page in APA

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