psych200 children

1. How does attachment between an infant and a caregiver develop?
2. Why is attachment between an infant and a caregiver important to the infant?
3. Why is attachment between an infant and a caregiver important to the caregiver?
4. Why is attachment between an infant and a caregiver important to the human species?
5. What sorts of social cues are exchanged between a child and a caregiver as part of the attachment process? (Be sure to also discuss the importance of reciprocity, internal representations, and why caretaking behavior can vary between caretakers.)
6. What can you recall about Mary Ainsworthâ€s Strange Situation Procedure and the 4 attachment styles she identified (Secure, Insecure-Avoidant, Insecure-Ambivalent, Disorganized)? If you don’t remember her research, look it up online. 7. Tell me the basics of what she did and what she found. Be sure to briefly describe each type of attachment style.8. 8. What is RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder)? Be sure to describe both Inhibited and Disinhibited types.

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