questions and answers 69

Chapter One Guided Reading Questions

In your own words identify the study of Gerontology and Ageism.
Describe the purpose and benefit of analyzing gerontology from a lifespan perspective. Include an analysis of the four key features. Provide examples to support your response.
Describe the current patterns of the aging populations. Use information according to the demographers.
Identify the four interactive forces that we study gerontology. Support with examples.
Identify what the concept biopsychosocial means. Support with examples.
Describe the three influences that interact in our development according Baltes.
Describe the three meaning of age.
How does chronological, perceived, biological, psychological and sociocultural age differ?
Identify the following:
Summarize the unique factors associated with studying gerontology. Nature vs. Nurture Stability-Change Issue Continuity-Discontinuity Controversy Universal vs. Context-Specific Development Controversy
Summarize the unique factors associated with studying gerontology.

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