this exercise involves you using imagination and logical reasoning to occupy the mindset of a visualiser facing the task of formulating a brief for different scenarios

Question: 1
This exercise involves you using imagination and logical reasoning to occupy the mindset of a visualiser facing the task of formulating a brief for different scenarios. Imagine you are given the challenge of creating a visualisation/infographic in each of the following made-up scenarios:
THE SUBJECT: Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Scenario A: A pro-capital punishment (local/national) newspaper reporting on the milestone of the 500th execution (pretend it is 2013, there have now been more than 500)
Scenario B: Analyst staff at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice reporting to senior management about aspects of their operations
Scenario C: A campaign group looking to influence the debate about the ending of capital punishment
Website reference: Executed Offenders dataset
Assignment Link:
Assignment Length (word count): At least 500 words (not including direct quotes). With at least two references
Question: 2
Unpredicted changes happen on a dime. The complexity of business operations continue to increase. Technological advances like Cloud-based computing, mobile devices and social media are also evolving rapidly. These and numerous other trends cast new risks, shifting risk profiles, and pushing business models to unknown territories. Because of these constant movement in the workforce environment, risk management should periodically refresh the organizationâ€s risk management capabilities.
With that said, you are part of the company’s risk task force. What questions should you ask about risk management? Explain the question. (For example: Is the company have planned policy to respond to extreme circumstances?
Minimum words: – 500 with at least two references
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