understanding and practicing self compassion social work

Please watch the following video clips:

The Space Between Self-Compassion & Self Esteem: Kristen Kneff: https://youtu.be/IvtZBUSplr4
Self-Compassion Part 1: https://youtu.be/Tyl6YXp1Y6M Self-Kindness Part 2: https://youtu.be/BjvYhd34fgc
Common Humanity Part 3: https://youtu.be/yJPcZ1CEl3
Discuss your understanding of self-compassion and its relevance to your development as an emerging social worker.
Review the self-compassion exercises listed here: https://selfcompassion.org/category/exercises/ reflect on a specific exercise you would like to practice this week, and why you chose the exercise. (3-4 pages total).

No plagiarism because it will be submitted online (studypool’s standards are 15% and below). Easy vocabulary. Mention burnout and vicarious trauma.
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