What is the TEAS test?

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What is the TEAS test?
The Test of Essential Academic Skills, or TEAS test, measures skills in the areas of math, science, reading, and English language and usage. It is commonly used as a prerequisite for admission to nursing school and other allied health programs.
Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) publishes the TEAS test. ATI TEAS refers to the sixth and current version of the exam which was released in 2016. ATI TEAS V refers to the previous version of the test.
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What is on the TEAS test?
The purpose of the TEAS test is to measure skills in the basics of reading, math, science, and English language and usage. The test questions are based on high school level content which provides the background knowledge necessary for success in nursing school and allied health programs.
What is on the TEAS reading test?
The TEAS reading test measures reading comprehension. This includes both reading paragraphs and reading graphics such as maps, directions, graphs, and labels. There are 53 questions (6 of which are unscored experimental items) on the reading test, and the questions are divided into three subsections.
Reading subsection Concepts addressed Number of questions
Key ideas & details
Finding specific information in a paragraph
Recognizing sequential events
Using graphics to locate information
Drawing conclusions from a text
Summarizing a text
Craft & structure
Using context to determine the meaning of words and phrases
Determining an author’s meaning and point of view
Understanding biases and stereotypes in text
Using text features and graphics
Integration of knowledge & ideas
Formulating predictions
Making inferences
Drawing conclusions
Evaluating arguments
Comparing themes from multiple sources
Identifying primary sources
What is on the TEAS math test?
The TEAS math test measures not only proficiency in performing basic numeric operations, but also the ability to do algebra, interpret data, and make measurements. The 36 questions (4 of which are unscored experimental items) are divided into two subsections. You will be allowed to use a basic calculator on the test, which will be provided by the test center.
Math subsection Concepts addressed Number of questions
Numbers & algebra
Solving problems with percentages, proportions, ratios, and rates of change
Converting decimals, fractions, and percentages
Performing arithmetic operations
Estimating with real-world problems
Solving equations
Translating verbal information into mathematical expressions
Measurement & data
Performing standard and metric conversions
Interpreting graphs, charts, and tables
Using statistics to evaluate information from graphs, charts, and tables
Establishing the relationship between two variables
Completing geometric calculations
What is on the TEAS science test?
The TEAS science test consists of 53 questions (6 of which are unscored experimental items) broken into three subsections. The test contains questions regarding scientific reasoning, as well as life science, human body science, genetics, and physical science.
Science subsection Concepts addressed Number of questions
Human anatomy & physiology
General human anatomy and physiology
Characteristics and functions of the body’s systems
Life & physical sciences
Chemical reactions
States of matter
Atomic structure
Mendel’s Laws of Heredity
Characteristic properties of substances
Biological macromolecules
DNA, genes, and chromosomes
Scientific reasoning
Use of logic and evidence in scientific explanations
Relationship between events, processes, and objects
Design and analysis of a scientific investigation
Scientific measurements
Laboratory measurement tools
What is on the TEAS English and language usage test?
The TEAS English and language usage test is designed to measure command of the English language, from spelling, as well as punctuation, grammar, word meanings, and sentence structure.
English language subsection Concepts addressed Number of questions
Conventions of standard English
Finding specific information in a paragraph
Recognizing sequential events
Using graphics to locate information
Drawing conclusions from a text
Summarizing a text
Knowledge of language
Using context to determine the meaning of words and phrases
Determining an author’s meaning and point of view
Understanding biases and stereotypes in text
Using text features and graphics
Vocabulary acquisition
Formulating predictions
Making inferences
Drawing conclusions
Evaluating arguments
Comparing themes from multiple sources
Identifying primary sources
What is on the TEAS English and language usage test?
Applicants are given 209 minutes to take the 170-question TEAS test. The test is broken into four separately timed sections, and a short break is given after the second section of the test. The test breakdown is as follows:
Content area Number of questions Time allotted
Reading 53 64 minutes
Math 36 54 minutes
Science 53 63 minutes
English language and usage 28 28 minutes
TEAS Test Scores
For the TEAS test, you will receive three scores:
Total Score
Content Area Scores
Sub-Content Area Scores
These scores are calculated differently:
Both the Total Score and the Content Area Scores are calculated based on the percentage of test items answered correctly, then adjusted based on the differences in different versions (or forms) of the ATI TEAS test. This means that if you take the test more than once, you can compare your Total Scores and your Content Area Scores from different tests.
The Sub-Content Area Scores are calculated solely on the percentage of test items answered correctly, with no adjustment. This means that if you take the test more than once, a comparison of your Sub-Content Area Scores on different tests is not meaningful.
What is a TEAS test passing score?
According to the test provider, it is up to individual schools to determine what score qualifies you for admission to that school. Before you register for the test, check with the school you intend to apply to regarding their score requirements.
How long is the TEAS test score good for?
The length of validity of a TEAS test score is determined by individual institutions. Commonly, institutions will consider scores earned within the last one, two, or five years. If you have already taken the TEAS test, check your institution’s requirements to learn if your TEAS scores are valid, or if you need to retake the test.
How long does it take to get TEAS results?
If you take the computer-based TEAS tests at a college or university, it is possible to see your results immediately, unless the college disables this option. ATI scores paper-and-pencil tests within 24 business hours of their receipt of the tests. If you take the test at a PSI site, your results should be available on your ATI account online within 72 business hours.
The college or university where you take your test will receive your results immediately. You can purchase transcripts to send to other locations. These transcripts are sent within a few hours of your request.
How to prepare & study for the TEAS test
The TEAS test measures your readiness for nursing school, so it’s important to prepare for the TEAS test. You’ll want to familiarize yourself with the content and format of the test, and to make a study plan that includes practice tests and study guides. Having a study partner can also be beneficial and can help keep you accountable to the preparation plan you’ve made.
All questions on the TEAS test are in a multiple-choice format, with four choices given, so you’ll want to review strategies for taking multiple choice tests. Below are specific tips for making a study plan, as well as tips for each section of the TEAS test
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