wk 5 apply business interview 1

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Review the Week 6 Implementing Change Business Case assignment.

Select a company you would like to interview about change management strategies and request an informational interview with a representative.

Create 3 to 5 questions you can discuss with a representative regarding the companyâ€s approach to change management in the past

•Your interview questions should illicit the change management strategies they have used to implement a variety of changes intended to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the organization that will ultimately improve the bottom line.

•Call the representative from your chosen company, and

•Share that you are an MBA student working on a business case for change management.

•Ask your 3 to 5 questions.

•Take notes about the conversation with the company representative.

Summarize the interview in a presentation of 10-12 slides.
Please do not refer to specific company information in your documentation; use Company XYX and Mr./Ms. X in place of real names.

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