write 7 9 pages that compare different models of supply and demand as well as analyze how legislation and reimbursement methods impact supply and demand for health care

In this assessment, you will consider these contributing issues and others that you identify in your research as they
relate to the free market. Compare and contrast the laws of supply and demand of the health care industry with that
of the automobile industry and explain how the economic structure of the health care industry is different from other
industries. Reviewing the following media pieces may help to solidify your understanding of the economic concepts
and industries relevant to this assessment.
Health Care Supply and Demand | Transcript.
Supply, Demand, & Reimbursement | Transcript.
Also, make sure to consult the scoring guide to make sure you are meeting the communication criteria and
achieving at your desired rubric level.
1. Compare and contrast the demand of health care services with the demand of an automobile (Competency
1. Identify the key contributing factors that determine demand of health care services.
2. Identify the key contributing factors that determine demand of an automobile.
3. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the demand curve of these two industries.
2. Compare and contrast the supply of health care services with the supply of an automobile (Competency 2).
1. Identify the key contributing factors that determine supply of health care services.
2. Identify the key contributing factors that determine supply of an automobile.
3. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the supply curve of these two industries.
3. Explain current legislative trends that influence the supply and demand of health care (Competency 1).
1. Explain how Medicare and Medicaid impact supply and demand of health care services.
2. Discuss the impact of the uninsured population on the supply and demand of health care services.
4. Analyze reimbursement methods that influence the supply and demand of health care services (Competency
1. Identify the stakeholders who pay for health care services.
2. Analyze the impact of different reimbursement methodologies and payment models on the supply and
demand of health care services.
5. Write following APA style for in-text citation, quotes, and references (Competency 5).
1. Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements and scholarly writing standards.
2. Assess the relevance and credibility of information sources.
6. Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics (Competency
1. Apply the principles of effective composition.
2. Determine the proper application of the rules of grammar and mechanics.
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