write a primary post on a topic and give a reply separately for the posted response attached 5

1) Write a primary post of 350 words on the topic:
“Discuss the primary factors that motivate companies to expand internationally.“
References (this does not count toward the required paper length)
FINALLY, you must cite your sources after every sentence which contains information from one of your sources. Just putting a citation at the end of a paragraph or section is not sufficient.
Use proper APA style. This is Last Name of Author (Year).
2) Write a responses of 200 words for post attached on this topic separately.
Note: Your answer should be supported with research unless the question is opinion oriented.. Responses to discussions below should NOT be “I agree” or “I like the way you stated that.” These responses should again be insightful, offering an opinion or facts based on your research and experiences. The opinion to both responses should be a minimum of 200 words each . See APA criteria for citing resources.
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