100 150 words with word document 2

A recent advertisement for “the fat burning pill”, Lipozene, claims that people who have taken the pill have lost over 400% more weight. According to the ad, the claim was based on a clinical study consisting of two groups: the active group and the placebo group. They said that “during 60 clinical trials, the active group lost 2.75 lbs and the placebo group gained 2.18 lbs”.
Explain whether in your judgment, the statistics presented in this ad is meaningful, incomplete, misleading, or difficult to interpret meaningfully. Justify your statements by reasoning.
Suppose that you belong to a consumer group and you wish to test the claim of Lipozene’s manufacturer. Describe which of the following sampling methods you would use in your study.

random sampling
systematic sampling
stratified sampling
cluster sampling

Include rationales for your choice of the sampling method.
In your two replies to classmates, use reasoning to agree or to disagree with their responses to the two questions above. Provide insights for ways to verify that their choices are appropriate.
You can review sampling methods in Chapter 1 of Bluman.
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