1000 words comparative international politics

(Great English is a must!! No grammar errors!)
(Answer the questions under the form of essay)
(MIN 1000 Words, Cicago Format)
Subject of the paper: Russia, Putin and the Government
Requirement: The essay needs to answer the following 2 question (each 500 words):
QUESTION #1: (500 words)
Since the collapse of the USSR in 1991, how has Russia challenged the West or opposed Western actions (whether the US, NATO or the EU)? How does each side– Russia and the West– perceive its actions in foreign policy? Do you think that there is any way to overcome these misperceptions and the “new Cold War,” and to improve relations between Russia and the West?
QUESTION #2: (500 words)
Since the era of high oil prices in the 2000s, what ways has Putin’s government improved or failed to improve the basic functions of the state for ordinary people (health care, roads, law enforcement, social equality and welfare, etc.)? Has Putin’s government built the foundation for a modern economy and democratic society? Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Russia’s future?

Other information: I will provide you with some pages from our textbook to use as sources. You will have to find other sources too.

** You must include at least one direct citation per essay (from our assigned books ONLY) with the footnotes in the University of Chicago Style, as in the FOLLOWING EXAMPLE:
Ben Noble, “Parliamentary Politics in Russia,” in Richard Sakwa, Henry E. Hale, and Stephen White, eds., Developments in Russian Politics (Durham: Duke University Press, 2019), 60.
Please read the guidelines. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO WRITE THE PAPER BASED ON THAT. The professor wants footnotes in the work as presented.


APA Format
No plagiarism is accepted
Check the guideline

*** The work will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin by the professor. It is essential for everything to be free of plagiarism otherwise sanctions will be imposed***
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