4 2 final project milestone three proposal draft

IT 204 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric
In this task, you will complete and submit an individual proposal for a relational database that addresses the business case of Birchwood Lane Schools. In your proposal, you should include the second and third critical elements of your final project: a business case and gap analysis, and a relational database model. Use your emerging knowledge from course materials and discussions with classmates to inform your proposal. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric, which is found below.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in your submission:

Business Case and Gap Analysis: Analyze the client needs and how the project will address them. This type of analysis identifies the difference between a current condition and future state (i.e., gap analysis). Based on the scenario showing the current system that the school has in place to collect data:

What information should be included in the new database solution to address the current state? Why?
What additional information is needed to complete the business case data requirements and achieve the desired future state?

Relational Database Model: Based on the scenario and the information from your introduction and your analysis:

Design a basic relational database visual diagram with entities, attributes, and relationships based on the requirements you have identified. Be sure to include proper relationship mapping.
Create a conceptual data model visual diagram and a logical data model visual diagram based on the entities present in your visual conceptual database.Rubric

Guidelines for Submission: The proposal should follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Time New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA
citations. The proposal should be 2 to 3 pages in length.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Business Case and Gap Analysis: Information

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and explanation demonstrates keen insight on the information needed for the proposed database solution

Identifies what information should be included in the new database solution to address the current state and explains reasoning

Identifies what information should be included to address the current state, but reasoning contains inaccuracies or is illogical

Does not identify what information should be included to address the current state in the new database solution


Business Case and Gap Analysis: Additional Information

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and the description demonstrates keen insight into how the information from the scenario should be used

Describes additional information needed to complete the business case data requirements and achieve the desired future state

Describes additional information needed to complete the business case data requirements but lacks key details or contains inaccuracies in achieving the desired future state

Does not describe additional information needed to complete the business case data requirements


Relational Database Model: Basic Diagram

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and the relational database visual diagram is simply and intuitively organized

Basic relational database visual diagram clearly illustrates all applicable entities, attributes, and relationships based on the scenario

Basic relational database visual diagram clearly illustrates all applicable entities, attributes, and relationships based on the scenario but lacks key details or contains inaccuracies

Basic relational database visual diagram does not illustrate applicable entities, attributes, and relationships


Relational Database Model: Conceptual and Logical Diagram

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and the conceptual and logical visual diagrams are simply and intuitively organized

Conceptual and logical visual diagrams clearly illustrate all applicable entities and attributes based on the scenario

Conceptual and logical visual diagrams illustrate applicable entities and attributes based on the scenario but lack key details or contain inaccuracies

Conceptual and logical visual diagrams do not illustrate applicable entities and attributes


Articulation of Response

Submission is free of errors related to APA citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format

Submission has no major errors related to APA citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to APA citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to APA citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Earned Total 100%

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