i have homework in nutrition

There are 2 sections:
Section A: In the attachment you will find two questions that I choose. I wrote the questions on black and I put what you need add to the answer in red. Please can you write all the information which I put in red as it is really important. and also do not write anything out of what the question asking you. it is 800 word for each questions (no more than 800 words for each questions)
Section B:
In the attachment I wrote the two questions I need to answer for the first one again I put what the answer should be in red. and for the second I just wrote the question. 200 words each ( no more than 200 words for each question)
overall: 2000 words
As I am going to submit it through Turnitin can you please paraphrase everything and add the reference in text and list of references. It is APA references
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