a m d 165 honesty assignment case study assignment

A M D 165
Honesty Assignment Case Study Assignment
Case study questions:
1. When answering honestly, does a person need to tell “the whole truth?” Provide an example that explains why or why not.
2. Reflect on your past experiences with honesty. Have you always been an honest person to yourself and when completing academic work? Explain why or why not.
3. Explain how you can be an honest person when taking the quizzes in AMD 165.
a. Provide at least 2 examples of engaging in honest quiz practices.
b. Provide 2 examples of engaging in academic dishonesty when taking a quiz in this class.
4. Explain how you can be an honest person when completing the individual case studies in AMD 165.
a. Provide at least 2 examples of engaging in honest case study completion.
b. Provide 2 examples of engaging in academic dishonesty case study completion.
5. From your own perspective, reflect on if you want to be an honest person in this class and why this is important.

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