an documented essay focused on explaining juan rulfo s pedro paramo when it was written what it is about its influence on latin american literature

Documented Essay Assignment and Topic
We are ready to begin working on our research essay although it is not due for another week or more. We will all use the same topic, a simple one that is focused on explaining Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Paramo, when it was written, what it is about, its influence on Latin American Literature. I suggest that you start with simple research about Pedro Paramo.
As you prepare this essay please beware that you must include and quote three to five outside sources, use the MLA format, and in the process of the paper explain Pedro Paramo, its origins, intentions, and influences.
We are doing the same topic for a variety of reasons, the first being, I do not want something purchased from a cheating site like Course Hero. When our software reveals that you have done that, you are no longer a member of this class. You will receive an unconditional and final F in the class, no discussion, no appeal.
I made the topic very simple, so if you have never written a documented essay, you will still have no trouble. You can use as few as three sources, as I say above, and we have been working the whole term on the format, except we now will deploy several quotations and certainly a works cited page.
We are starting in Module 6 so that you may begin to gather some sources to quote, begin an Annotated Bibliography, and get started–with plenty of time to ask all the questions you want to ask
The Documented Essay is the last Essay assignment and of course the largest. This one should be multiple paragraphs, perhaps some 1,000 words or at least close to that number. You must have three to five sources, all of which are quoted in the body of the paper at least once consistent with the MLA style. The paper uses parenthetical references and must have a Works Cited, which, unlike the annotated bibliography, contains the reference but not the annotations. The Documented essay first draft may be posted this week in Module 7, particularly if you want plenty of time to revise the essay for that second grade. Should you submit the essay this week, you will receive preferential treatment, have your final draft graded early, and could be free the final week of any writing. However, most students will submit this first draft in the week of Module 8. There will still be time to get that second draft turned in, but do your best to submit your draft as early as possible in order to be certain you have plenty of time.
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