answer questions 385

1.Sarah Blackley is the youngest female billionaire in the country thanks to her passion and innovation with Spanx.
#1 What was Sarahâ€s initial investment?
#2 When Sarah applied for the patent, what were the two fabrics materials?
#3 How did she gain access to Newman Marcus?
#4 What is the value of Spanx?
#5 In your opinion was was Sarahâ€s ah-ha moment that her product would be a success?

2.How Brand’s Pivot their Marketing Message
Marketers are repositioning their products and Brand message to speak to consumers with new voices. Watch the two Commercial Videos for Micro Soft and Google. Search for other Brands that have a message that inspires, educates, or moves you and share your findings with the class

3.You’ll find fascinating topics on Ad Age, Ad Week, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Buzzfeed, Twitter, Snapchat, or Youtube.
Pick a subject and write a brief one to two paragraph about what the campaign or product was all about. In your recap, make sure to include the source with a link.
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