business communication 83

Prepare powerpoint slides on ONE of the topics provided below.
1.The 7 Elements of the Speech Communication Process
– Include and explain the complete cycle of the Communication Process Model when one person communicates with another, including a brief description of each of the 7 elements of speech process.
2. The Types of Non-verbal Communication
-Choose 4 types of nonverbal communication and explain
how each of this nonverbal communication could enhance human interaction between one another.
3. A video resume introducing yourself to your future employer. Include:-
-introduction of yourself (background)
– your qualification ( tailor your strength to the job)
– your past experiences that benefitted the job applied – the values you will be able to bring to the company. – closing
Important notes:
1. Please include the studentâ€s name and student ID at the beginning of the slides.
2. Submit the soft copy of the powerpoint slides via a Turnitin file with the name “Business Communication Replacement Assignment May 2020”, under the “PP Slides” tab.
3. Ensure the plagiarism index does not exceed 20%
4. Students will have to prepare a ppt presentation between
5-10 slides and not more than 10 slides.

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