canadian microeconomic policy

1) All written assignments are group work. Please form study groups by yourself. Each group should include 2 – 4 people. Firstly, everyone tries to answer all questions individually, then compare answer with each other to find out the best version. Each group should submit only one copy of answer. Make sure to put all names and student ID numbers on the firs page. Everyone in the group will receive the same grade.
2) Please type your answer in Word document format. For graph or calculation, a useful tool is “whiteboardfox” (check Follow these steps: a) draw the graph on the whiteboard; b) save the drawing as a picture (jpeg file); and c) insert the picture to your Word file. You are free to use any other programs to draw graphs. For example, if your operation system is Windows 10, you can try drawing with Windows Ink.
3) Submit your assignment by uploading to Canvas: Select Assignments – Upcoming Assignments – Assignment #1 – Submit Assignment (click the yellow button). Note only Word files (with a .doc or .docx suffix) are accepted. There is no need to convert Word to PDF. Please donâ€t upload cellphone pictures. They will not be accepted.
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