carta presentation summary 3
1. Select a presentation to watch by selecting a symposium from the list of symposia ( https://carta.anthropogeny. org/symposia/past_list (Links to an external site.)) and then pick one of the invididual presentations. A symposium is a group of talks (presentations) organized around a theme and contains between 8 and 10 presentations. You can select from any of the past symposia listed. Please don’t select a talk that is an opening remark or question and answer session.
Note–you are NOT required to watch the whole symposium, just one 20 minute talk!
2. View the presentation. Presentations can be viewed on iTunes, YouTube or the UCSD-TV site. Each presentation is about 20-30 minutes long. Take notes while watching.
3. Write a review of the presentation. The write-up should be at least 350 words long and contain the following:
a. The name of the speaker and the title of the talk.
b. A summary of the topic covered. What was the talk about?
c. What type of research was the speaker describing (i.e. genetics, human skeletal analysis, primate observation, etc)?
d. What were your impressions of the speaker and the topic? What new information did you learn and in what way did the topic contribute to the study of human evolution?
no plagerism and us the link above for the questions
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