community engagement tool ppt and speak notes

Community Engagement Tool PPT and speak notes, your ppt must be clear and meet all the requirements

Check out the amount of your grade devoted to this project! A huge proportion of this course will be dedicated to this project, so take it seriously. This project will follow from your work in your journal entries and your considerations of how to strengthen your communities in times of crisis, following from David Chonâ€s lecture in Module 2.
In groups of up to 5 or individually you will be expected to develop a community engagement tool that will help members of your community feel connected and build upon the assets that you identify in your community to provide essential information and support in times of need. Your tool can take a number of different forms, depending on your skills and resources and where your interests lie. It can be a WeChat mini program, a mobile App, a website or blog, or a video presentation. Your tool should reflect an effort to engage with the people in your community in an interesting and creative way, rather than writing an academic report. There are a few examples of mobile apps and community websites in the PPT from Module 10. I understand that there are limitations in terms of access to technology and I do not want you to spend any money on this project. I only want you to demonstrate an effort to be creative and engaging.
There are three components of this project: 1) identify the issue, 2) Undertake community-based research, and 3) develop your community engagement tool. You are being given three weeks to dedicate to this project, and you may to choose to spend one week working on each component of the project, but this is up to you.
You may choose to develop your community tool in response to the covid-19 crisis in your community. Your response could focus on a number of community needs at this time: economic recovery, health and wellness, mental health, community cohesion, prevention, others…? You may also choose to pick another community issue that interests you and you consider of importance to your community.
See the PPT from Module 10 for further details. Your community engagement tools are due at the end of the 14thweek (see syllabus calendar). In week 15, students will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite tool.

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