create your project how you wish

. Please put effort into this assignment and use this to help guide your future and remind you of how important your education is to achieving your dreams.
Read Chapter 10 – to help you define your values, which will help you align your goals.…
You may be creative with your project and create your project how you wish. I have seen students create their own personal vision board with pictures of goals, along with inspirational quotes. The pictures can be graphics from the computer, or if you are an artist, you can draw your goals. By creating a vision board, you can use your inspirational board everyday as you work towards your goals! I have also seen students create groupings or bullet points of each goal describing them, and including pictures. Be sure to include your reflection paragraph. These are just some examples of what your goal project could look like.
See below attachment for the complete instructions of your Final Goal Project.
To give you a visual of what your goal project can look like, see below examples
Please follow the example
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