data abstract amp structures lab bt lt bst adt

Lab: BT <— BST ADT
In this assignment we will create, display, and search a Binary Search Tree of College objects. You are encouraged to reuse as much code as possible from previous assignments/labs.
The assignment consists of the following classes/files:

BinaryNode.h (template, given)
BinaryTree.h (template, incomplete)
BinarySearchTree.h(template, incomplete)
main.cpp (incomplete)
College.cpp (incomplete)
College.h (incomplete)The program creates a BST of random integers. The insert and inorder traversal are given.

Your tasks:

reuse (with modifications if needed) the College class from previous assignments
rewrite the private insert as a recursive function
display the sorted data as shown below:

Inorder: _x000D_
ABC 98 AB College 9998 _x000D_
CC 10 Cuesta College 19135 _x000D_
CPC 99 Cupertino College 9999 _x000D_
// … and so on_x000D_

display the tree as an indented list as shown below

1). FC_x000D_
..2). PCC_x000D_
….3). SBCC_x000D_
// … and so on_x000D_

display the leaves of the tree

ABC 98 AB College 9998 _x000D_
DAC 1 De Anza College 19302 _x000D_
IVC 9 Irvine Valley College 20577 _x000D_
// … and so on_x000D_

search the BST (recursive private search function)

Enter a college code (or Q to stop searching) : _x000D_
College “FHC” was not found in this list._x000D_

Accept lower and upper case letters. For instance, if the user enters dAc, the search result will show data for De Anza College instead of displaying the “not found” message.
Also, it is left for you to decide where the functions in charge of displaying the leaves of the tree should be placed.
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