discuss the case study marisol samhsa handbook pg 17 and answer the following questions

Discuss the case study “Marisol.” Please refer to the case illustration below. (on page 17 in the SAMHSA handbook) and Answer the following questions:
Marisol is a 28-year-old Latina woman working as a barista at a local coffee shop. One evening, she was driving home in the rain when a drunk driver crossed into her lane and hit her head on. Marisol remained conscious as she waited to be freed from the car and was then transported to the hospital. She sustained fractures to both legs. Her recovery involved two surgeries and nearly 6 months of rehabilitation, including initial hospitalization and outpatient physical therapy. She described her friends and family as very supportive, saying that they often foresaw what she needed before she had to ask. She added that she had an incredible sense of gratitude for her employer and coworkers, who had taken turns visiting and driving her to appointments. Although she was able to return to work after 9 months, Marisol continued experiencing considerable distress about her inability to sleep well, which started just after the accident. Marisol describes repetitive dreams and memories of waiting to be transported to the hospital after the crash. The other driver was charged with driving under the influence (DUI), and it was reported that he had been convicted two other times for a DUI misdemeanor. Answering the following questions will help you see how the different levels of influence affect the impact and outcome of the traumatic event Marisol experienced, as well as her responses to that event:
1.Based on the limited information provided in the illustration, how might Marisolâ€s personality affect the responses to her family and friends, her co-workers, and the larger community?
2) In what ways would Marisolâ€s ethnic and cultural background influence her recovery from trauma?
3) What societal factors play a role in the car crash itself and the outcomes for Marisol and the other driver? And,
4) how would you describe Marisolâ€s case from a socio-ecological model of trauma and its effects
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