discussion a discuss the social roles we acquire throughout our lives be sure to differentiate between role conflict role strain and role exit explain how status relates to social roles and discuss the role examples you give in terms of ascribed ach 1

Discussion A
Discuss the social roles we acquire throughout our lives; be sure to differentiate between role conflict, role strain, and role exit. Explain how status relates to social roles and discuss the role examples you give in terms of ascribed, achieved, and master status.
Discussion B
Read, listen, or watch the media listed below.
Listen to the audio file, “Defending and Attacking Polygamy in Saudi Arabia.”
Read the article, “Adoptive Gay Father Families: Parent-Child Relationships and Childrenâ€s Psychological Adjustment.”
Watch the clip from the movie Sheâ€s the Man.
1. What different interpretations of family and gender roles are voiced in the materials you reviewed?
2.To what extent do these differing viewpoints correspond or clash with Western notions of family?
Discussion C
Think back on your life when you experienced a change, such as a graduation or a change of job. Discuss your experience with anticipatory socialization and resocialization. Describe how these concepts could apply to your next transition in the healthcare field.
Discussion D
This weekâ€s textbook reading presented various nursing theories. Which nursing theorist do you most closely identify with and why? How has this individual impacted your personal nursing philosophy?
Please need in-text citation, references, each discussions 200-250 words
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