discussion board 5 16

Rubric: Grading Rubric for Discussion Boards
Discussion Boards are a major part of the course as well as a big part of your overall grade in the course. Interaction is the key to learning! For this course, interaction is based on discussion board posts.

Each student must post their own response to the discussion board question (called an original thread) along with posting a response to at least two other student postings (called a peer response).
When you respond to a peer posting, you don’t always have to agree with them. Use your critical thinking skills and analyze their response, give more details or challenge their assumptions. Being a good student means using critical thinking!
You will want to create discussion board assignments that are meaningful and interesting to you personally and to your colleagues in the class.

Textbook References: Clear references to the textbook are required in both the original thread post and both peer responses for all course DBs.

Textbook references should come from the chapter(s) specified in the assignment prompt and be clearly connected to your post and the assignment topic.
Be sure and include the chapter and page number from the textbook in your posts, for example (chapter 2, 59), just as you would do for any research paper/post!

DBs: You can earn a total of 15 points per discussion board: 10 points maximum for your original thread posting and 5 points maximum for your response to 2 or more other student’s postings:

Original posts should be at least 500-600 words total and have a least 1 textbook reference from each specified chapter. You will have 2 references per original DB post.
Each of the two peer responses should be at least 150 words each in length and have a least 1 textbook reference from the specified chapter. You will have a textbook reference in each of your peer response posts.


DB 5
11 unread reply.11 reply.

Chapter 9: Dr. John Gottman is one of the foremost scientific researchers on marital relationships, particularly relational satisfaction and marriage dissolution. He is affiliated with the University of Washington and has authored numerous books, including The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.
Watch the following brief video featuring a summary of Gottmanâ€s seven principles for a happy relationship:
7 Principles for a Happy Relationship (Links to an external site.)
Answering the following questions:

Relate the principles to at least three specific concepts covered in Chapter 9.
Which of the principles do you think is most important? Why?
Based on Gottmanâ€s message, what would you tell your adult children or a good friend about what you learned from viewing Gottmanâ€s advice?
Be sure to include terms from the chapter to help explain the principles and concepts.

Chapter 10: The term “boomerang generation” has been used to refer to children who move back in with their parents after finishing college, graduate school or some other form of “adult life.” There are numerous articles devoted to this phenomenon.
Read the following articles that offer diverse perspectives on the boomerang generation and then answer the questions below.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/09/parents-boomerang-kids-_n_5534070.html (Links to an external site.)
https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandratalty/2015/09/13/failure-to-launch-is-good-for-millennials-and-their-parents/#7d1a9e5519b8 (Links to an external site.)
https://www.theguardian.com/world/commentisfree/2016/mar/14/the-boomerang-generation-and-the-childhood-bedrooms-they-still-inhabit (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Answer the following questions:

What were some of family narratives mentioned (perhaps not overtly) in the articles on the boomerang generation that you read? Did they come into conflict with the child moving back in with his/her parents?
What are some potential benefits of the impact of being part of the boomerang generation? Some potential drawbacks? Are they evenly balanced?
How do the people who wrote or who were mentioned in the articles manage this new wrinkle in the connection-autonomy dialectic?
Using the guidelines in “Effective Communication in Families” what advice would you give to members of a family experiencing the boomerang effect?
Be sure to include terms from the chapter to help explain your perspective on the boomerang generation.

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