discussion organizational change 1

Learning Resource
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Essentials of organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Chapter 16, “Organizational Culture” (pp. 265–284)
Chapter 17, “Organizational Change and Stress Management” (pp. 285–305)

Discussion: Organizational Change
Part of Anaâ€s successful work experience at Riverville Medical Center (RMC) was the collaboration among her colleagues and the team spirit they shared. The accounts receivables department was a tight team; each team member supported one another. Bennet and his team soon realized they could quickly learn and successfully implement the new accounting software package. Ana thought to herself, “Change is hard. But, teamwork and support can overcome the difficulty of organizational change at RMC.”
It has been said that the only constant is change itself. That is especially true of organizations. While some organizational changes are minor—only affecting a work group—others are much greater, impacting departments or entire organizations.
Each employee within an organization can have unique and varied reactions to change. While some employees relish the opportunity to try new things, change may produce anxiety in others. A leader needs to apply effective strategies for making the change successful.
For this Discussion, you will read a case study and determine the best method for successfully implementing organizational change and overcoming resistance to change.
To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the Learning Resources for this week.
Download the Document: Case Study: Crestwood Hospital ER (located in this weekâ€s Learning Resources).
Download the Document: Force Field Analysis Table Template (located in this weekâ€s Learning Resources).
Review the case study and consider:

What is driving the change and what is pushing against it?
Provide some thoughts on how you might alleviate the force against it.

Complete the Force Field Analysis Table Template, describing driving forces and restraining forces to the change in the scenario. Post your completed Force Field Analysis Table Template.
By Day 4
Post a comprehensive response to the following:

Explain which type of resistance might arise among the staff. Explain why you think this.
Explain how you, as the director of the organization, might attempt to overcome the resistance.
Explain at least two additional consequences the organization might experience while implementing the change.
Explain the role of culture in change, ethics, and sustainability.

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