easy java assignment

I expect at least 90 points.

Project 1 Rubric

Project 1 Rubric


This criterion is linked to a learning outcomePseudocode or flowchart

7.0 Pts
Clearly outlines your logic for the add button and show list features

5.0 Pts
Your logic is a bit hard to follow

4.0 Pts
Partially completed

0.0 Pts
Not submitted

7.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeUser Interface

10.0 Pts
JavaFX GUI is reasonably clean and prompts for input are clear

7.0 Pts
Layout is messy or it’s hard to figure out how to use

4.0 Pts
Partially completed, missing controls, etc.

0.0 Pts
Not submitted

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeCustomer class

10.0 Pts
Full Marks
Has required properties, getters/setters, constructor(s) and any other methods necessary.

5.0 Pts
Has syntax errors or other major problems

0.0 Pts
Not submitted

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeProgram must use a queue

5.0 Pts
Program uses a queue.

3.0 Pts
Other data structure used

0.0 Pts
Not submitted

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeWait time

5.0 Pts
Full Marks

4.0 Pts
Missing either total or average wait time

3.0 Pts
Missing both average and total wait time.

0.0 Pts
Not submitted

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeOperation

10.0 Pts
Program compiles, runs and produces the correct output for the given input.

8.0 Pts
1 minor logical error

7.0 Pts
2 – 3 minor logical errors

5.0 Pts
Runtime or other major errors

0.0 Pts
Not submitted

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeJava code

3.0 Pts
In general, Java code is clear and easy to follow such as descriptive variable names, appropriate comments, appropriate coding structures (loops, selection, etc.). Required

2.0 Pts
Code is hard to follow

0.0 Pts
Not submitted

3.0 pts

Total points: 50.0

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