final project getty challenge 1

For this Assignment, we will be revisiting the Getty Challenge! This is a two part assignment; part 1 is creating the images, writing the summary and uploading here; part 2 is posting some images onto the Discussion board.
Part 1: The Assignment
Requirements for your Assignment
(If you need a refresher on the Getty Challenge, refer back to Discussion 4.)

You must select 4 thematic chapters from the textbook and recreate 4 artworks in the Getty challenge style.

You may choose artworks from our text book OR from the Getty Museum. BUT- the artwork must fall under the required categories as noted above.

Replicate the image with yourself, your pets, family, or other household elements.

Your summary must use this template below:

Your assignment should include your image and the image of the artwork that you are creating. Under that, provide a caption with: the original artwork title, medium (what it is made of), date, and artist.

Provide a list of your materials,

Discuss your process for each re-creation

Discuss why you chose the theme.

Discuss the reason why you chose those artworks.

Upload the pdf document here- and post at least three works in final discussion for peer feedback.

Thematic Chapters (choose 4)
Art and Art Making
The Language of Art and Architecture
Deriving Meaning
Food and Shelter
Reproduction and Sexuality
Deities and Places of Worship
Mortality and Immortality
Power Politics and Glory
Social Protest/Affirmation
Mind and Body
Race, Gender, Clans, and Class
Nature, Knowledge and Technology
Entertainment and Visual Culture
Getty Challenge Resources (Links to an external site.)
Now that you have read the article, watch this video from PBS’s News Hour, to get more of an idea of what the challenge is about.

Part 2: Discussion post

Upload the pdf document here in your post.
Post at least three works in final discussion for peer feedback; images must be embedded so that students can easily see them.
Provide the original artwork information.
A 2-3 paragraph summary of: (1) how you did it, (2) why you chose that theme, (3) why you chose those artworks.

Post and Replies due no later than Tuesday, May 26
Provide up to 2 replies to other students.
Please embed you images for other students to easily view.
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