final research paper add 5 more pages 1

please first two pages do exactly like the proposal paper that I attached let me know if you don’t understand and add 5 more pages I already did 5
open the links it has the instructions that you have to follow
I attached my paper about my interest (soccer coach) and my annotated bibliography
A research paper (10+ pages) is a plan or research design to give you scholarly reviewed knowledge of your chosen sports management career field that covers the following information: Your research question The methods and data you plan to employ to answer your research question A brief evaluation of the existing scholarly literature on your proposed research question Limitations of the project What you hope to achieve with this research (implications for your field) An initial reference list or bibliography of scholarly sources you plan to use to conduct your research Please make sure your paper IDENTIFIES these areas throughout the body of the paper. You will need to have all pages you created in your outline proposal and at the end, you need to have your Annotated Bibliography Page included in this Final Paper Please adhere to the rubric in the Course materials section for grading.
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