global citizenship assignment a3 global citizenship

My teacher said,

Option A
Read Articles 1-30 that make up: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Link (Links to an external site.) and watch the video human rights from Amnesty International
Choose one of the articles 1-30 that describes a human right. Link it to an article from Amnesty International,(see above link) Ethics and Religion (see above link), Good News Link (Links to an external site.), or any other research you do and discuss:1. how does the current event you chose either support or violates a human right.
2. what are your views concerning the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the current state of the world?– do you think this document about human rights is a catalyst for protecting human rights? Why or why not?
3. What did you do to contribute to global citizenship? What can others do. List at least one website, article, or resource.
Option B
Watch this short video on the history of Amnesty International.Link on Amnesty International (Links to an external site.)1. Give your views about global effort to support human rights2. Research a current events issues that is related to human rights (which either supports or violates human rights) that is interesting to you. Present a summary of this issue and why it is interesting to you.3. Relate the story of someone in your family or someone you know who has experienced a challenge with human rights. if you don’t know someone, research someone on the internet and tell his or her story.4. What did you do to contribute to global citizenship? What can others do. List at least one website, article, or resource.
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