health info management paper


You are working with other health information management professionals to build data tables for a healthcare organization. Your team has been assigned the job of taking the data elements found in various uniform data sets and building a data table for each uniform data set. You must understand the different types of healthcare data so that you can apply the correct ones to your data tables.

A. Describe the characteristics of each of the following categories of data that are used in a healthcare setting and include a comparison of how they are similar and different from each other:
aggregate data
comparative data
patient-centric data
1. Include a unique example of how each of the categories of healthcare data described in part A can be applied in a healthcare setting.
2. Justify why each type of data is most appropriate for the healthcare setting application that you described in part A1.
3. Describe a potential relevant source of data and how it could be collected for each application of healthcare data you described in part A1.
B. Discuss a specific example of how health record data from uniform data sets can be used in healthcare organizations.
C. Describe a specific application of a data table within a health information (HI) system.
1. Justify how the use of data tables could improve an organizationâ€s communication across the continuum of care.
D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. Paper must be at least 4 full pages double spaced and no more than 5.

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