improving your population s health outcomes

1.Describe the threat to your project at your selected site (out-patient clinic) that you are most concerned about. What are some possible ways to prevent this threat at your site? Who, from your project team, can help you manage this threat?
While it is understood that not all of the details of your project plan have been determined, please consider the general ideas that you have and information about your site. For instance, if your project plan includes staff nurses, and you know that your site has a high rate of nurse turnover, that is a potential threat to your project at your site. (you can also utilize the current COVID-19 situation and staff member not wanting to come to work) ============================= While that is your only Discussion Forum question this week, this question should be a segue for you to conduct a thorough risk assessment for your project at your SITE. This risk assessment, using the SWOT method of analysis, is part of your first design draft. Every element of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis must be thoroughly thought out and described in your paper. Please note that strengths and opportunities are different as are threats and weaknesses. Strengths and weaknesses refer to your project design/plan at your site. Please utilize your texts for further guidance.
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