in 4 page apa your company has decided to expand their business globally manager has assigned you the role of gathering information about specific country s cultural values to accomplish this mission you have learned about hofstede culture framework

Your company has decided to expand their business globally, and your manager has assigned you the role of gathering information about a specific country’s cultural values, in order to help put the right strategy in place. To accomplish this mission, you have learned about Hofstede culture framework and decided to utilize it.

Visit Hofstede cultural dimensions website: and answer the following questions:
Select any country of your choice other than The U.S. A?
Compare the country youâ€ve selected to the U.S.A based on Hofstede culture dimensions?
Write a minimum of four (4) pages report to your manager explaining the following:

The cultural differences between the U.S and the country you selected
How should the company utilize the information you gathered to build an effective marketing strategy?

NOTE: Please use atleast 6 peer- review resources and do citation in the subject body

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