marketing research project contains 3 parts

Part 1: Research Proposal, Due Date: 05/30/20
Students must select a business-based consumer topic. It can be related to your occupation, a hobby, something you read about in the newspaper, a company you do business with or frequent. The entire project is obviously fake so a certain amount of pretending will be required. Your role in the project will be that of either a marketing researcher working for a research company or a company employee who has been asked by upper-level management to perform the research for them. You need a logical, but pretend, issue or some unanswered questions/needs (your topic) that will be answered as a result of your research project. Pick a straightforward topic as the more complex the topic, the greater the amount of effort that will be required. You also want to pick a topic for which you will be able to get your target market consumers (friends, co-workers, family, etc.) to participate. Also, consider that you will be using an online survey method to collect your research.
Your research proposal should be 2 – 3 (I’m ok with 2 pages) double-spaced pages. It must include the following sections:

Cover Page to include the Title of the Research Proposal, the person or group for whom the research is being conducted, your name, date, etc.
Introduction section to include: Background, Objectives, Methodology, Scope

Background: Explain the context of the issue that will become the essence of your research. Include a description of the issue or opportunity for whom your internal management or a client might need answers, why it is significant to them, and how it might produce decision making information. This is a good place to include secondary research data to help justify the need for your project.

Objectives: In this section you will try to convey the information you are seeking in paragraph form to include the following:

Business: What issue or opportunity needs information to aid in the decision making process? (e.g. increase sales of new products, selecting the most effective ad medium, etc.)?
Research: What consumer information needs to be collected to help solve the business problem?
Research Question: What will be the overall research question/hypothesis to be answered? This should then be followed with some of the sub-level ideas that when addressed will hopefully help answer the overall Research Question.

Methodology: Specific type of research to be conducted (qualitative/quantitative, information gathering, secondary, primary data requirements, etc.) with an explanation of the need for each. Use of secondary research is required and must be included in this section. Discuss the specific techniques and data collection methods as well as the other planned steps in your research process.
Scope: Who, when, where, and how many minimum consumers will you plan to engage to collect the necessary data. Say that you will be using online survey software. You will need at least 30 sets of data (sample size) for your work but the more you collect the better your results will match a larger population.
Potential Managerial Benefits: What value will the information be overall to management including any limitations, and how you anticipate it will help in their decision making process.

Part 2, Idea Draft, Due Date: As soon as possible
I need a written idea proposal for the marketing research proposal above. It’s about half-page, I’ll send an example of it.

Part 3, Survey Questions and Invitation Memo, Due Date: 05/28/20
For your survey include questions where the responses generated will help answer your research objective(s). (Most students use the same idea for this assignment that they created for their marketing proposal paper.) Keep in mind that each question must directly or indirectly relate to a research objective or it is of no real value. Some of the objectives will need more than one survey question. Your survey should include the following considerations:

Include an introduction and a thank you embedded in the survey.
Obtain basic consumer information such as demographics.
Write clear questions that have been pretested and also checked for grammar, spelling, etc.
Include an appropriate scale for each question.
Use different types of questions.
Your survey must include at least 13 questions besides demographic questions.

You must also develop an invitation used to attract participants to your survey. This is the language used when you send your survey out via email or through social media or both. Your invitation is vital as it is the first impression someone will get of your request for participation/assistance
( I will create the online survey by myself. I just need 13 questions with the answer options for the survey, and a short memo)

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