music journal 12

Choose an AUDIO example (not video clip) from Unit 6: Sub-Saharan Africa and write a 150 word journal about it. Please utilize the listening guides in your textbook for this assignment. Include information about the audio example including the genre or style, instruments and form. What culture creates this music? What behaviors or activities are associated with this music? Also include your personal thoughts or feelings about your chosen audio example. Do you like it/dislike it? Why did you choose this particular example?
Your Journal should be around 150 words (5 pts), cover all of the topic points (5 pts), and be submitted on time (5 pts). There are 15 points possible for this assignment.
11 Mbira Nhmamusasa.mp3
12 BaMbuti Elima Ceremony.mp3
13 Mande Kora.mp3
14 Ewe Dance Drumming.mp3
17 Juju Salome.mp3
18 Chemurenga Chitima Ndikature.mp3

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