nutr amp 101 worksheet 7

Energy Balance and Weight Control Worksheet

What percent of Americans are overweight? Obese?
What conditions are you at risk for if you are obese?
What is the health care cost of obesity?
What are the contributing factors to obesity. Describe each.
What is energy balance? Positive energy balance? Negative energy balance?
What are the three ways that your body burns calories each day?
Calculate the number of calories you burn for each of the three ways. Add them up. What is your TEE?
Are you in positive or negative energy balance (using the number of calories you consume from your dietary analysis)?
What are three different ways to determine your weight status and risk of disease?
What are the three actions necessary to undertake in order to lose weight?
Give evidence based dietary recommendations. Which one of these could you work on in your daily life? How exactly could you work on it. Explain what you do now and what you would like to do instead.
Give 5 evidence based behavioral recommendations for weight loss. Which one of these could you work on in your daily life? How exactly could you work on it. Explain what you do now and what you would like to do instead.
Explain why all calories arenâ€t equal. Include the terms GI index, insulin, fat storage, blood sugar roller coaster in your explanation.
What are at least 5 factors that influence the feeling of hunger. Which are in play for you? How can you assess whether you are truly hungry or not?
How can you recognize FAD diets? Why wouldnâ€t you want to go on a FAD diet?
What are the symptoms of anorexia? What are the risks of this disease?
What are the symptoms of bulimia? What are the risks of this disease?

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