personal reflection 15
Letâ€s reflect on our own history. In other words, how did we get here? Take a few minutes to share a little bit about yourself. Keep in mind this is a public discussion, so please do not share information that would be considered too personal. Please do include your name, where you live or have lived, how you happened to be taking this class this semester, your major, and tell us a precedent you have followed, broken, or set. A precedent -whether personal, cultural, or political- is an action or event that is repeated by future generations. Many people follow precedent by attending the same university that their parents and grandparents attended or break precedent by attending another. They may also set a precedent by doing something such as getting a PhD or joining a fraternity or sorority that future family members will follow. Because we will look at many precedents that were broken, set, or followed in this semester of American history, it will be fun to begin by looking at personal precedents. Since I have asked you to share a bit of your history, I’ve included a little about myself too (click on page link below). I have included a photograph of myself at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia where I am shown following the precedent of visiting historic sites set by my parents, so you are welcome to share a photograph of yourself too whether you are visiting historic sites, setting or following a precedent or just being yourself, although it is not necessary. Again, keep in mind that this is a public academic forum, so choose an appropriate picture of yourself, if you decide to share. While there is not a correct or incorrect answer, it is necessary to put effort into this assignment and add to the discussion in a positive manner. Use 150 to 200 words in your response about yourself. I hope you enjoy this assignment.
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