ph 515 equity diversity and stigma video response

How much do you know about equity and diversity? Take this quiz to test your knowledge. The results may surprise you.
Click here to access the quiz
Complete the quiz first before you look at the answers.
After you have completed this quiz, review the answers to the questions you missed.
Click here to access the answer key
From the questions you missed, select one of the questions that relates to having a stigma.
For this assignment:

You will create a PowerPoint presentation that integrates facts and data on the topic you selected need to accompany the video prepared for your audience.
In your video response, tell us your thoughts on the quiz and if anything surprised you. State the question you selected and why.
Discuss the stigma that can be associated with the question you selected.
Explain ways to reduce the stigma from a public health perspective.
Can you explain this stigma using the Social Cognitive Theory?

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