prepare a paper with a minimum of four complete pages not including title or reference page double spaced on a topic of your choice we ve covered in class this semester you should discuss the legal principle involved and you can include cases from our

The paper must be completed in Microsoft Word program.

Grading Matrix

Rule of law explained in detail (20)
Identify the source of the law discussed (10)
Apply the law to something you or someone you know has experienced (15)
At least one case that shows the application of the law discussed-include the issue, both sides of the argument, how court decided and what reason did it give (15)
Reflection (personal observations on the issue) (10)


Introduction and Conclusion
Logical flow of ideas following structure set in the introduction
Sentences are complete, clear and concise
Sentences are well constructed
Instructions were followed


APA standards
Length meets parameters (Minimum of 4 complete pages)
Effective use of headings, fonts and white space

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The post prepare a paper with a minimum of four complete pages not including title or reference page double spaced on a topic of your choice we ve covered in class this semester you should discuss the legal principle involved and you can include cases from our appeared first on Superb Professors.

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