presentation 331

Assignment Guidelines: To finish out the course, you will create a slide-show presentation on Adobe Spark. For the presentation, you will present an analysis of a film or television character exemplifying a concept covered in this course/textbook. Think of this project as an opportunity to teach someone something important about interpersonal communication! See yourself in the role of the instructor! Teach us!!!
Presentation Content: Presentations should be based on and explore ONE concept covered as part of the course but illustrated with an example not previously used in class or in the textbook. You will create a 4-6 minute slideshow as your online presentation.

As part of your presentation, you will be required to answer a few questions:

What is the concept? Identify and thoroughly define it for the class.
Connect the concept to a film or television character(s).
Introduce the character or characters to the class.
Describe the aspects of the characters†emotion(s), thought(s), and behavior(s) that serve as evidence for illustrating the concept.

Presentation Slideshow: For this presentation, you will use Adobe Spark to create your slideshow.

Go to this link: (Links to an external site.)

Create an account with your personal email or Google account so you can sign in and out/save your work.
From your account home page:

Click on the “+ Create a project” link (blue button)
Scroll down the menu and click on “video” and open the “Pick a story template, or start from scratch” page
Click on the “Start from Scratch link (orange button) at the bottom of the page.
Follow instructions on the screen and complete tutorial
Follow instructions and watch the “Welcome, here are some quick tips to get started” tutorial.
After you finish the tutorial, dive in and create your slide show!

Your slides should

(a) be in a logical order
(b) catch the attention of the audience
(c) include graphics, and/or photos of the character(s)
(d) have no grammatical mistakes.
(e) have proper citation(s) from the textbook.
The slides should not be full of lots of text!
You are required to include narration in your presentation, so you will need access to a microphone.
Your delivery should be formal. You should not sound like you are reading from a script!

Once you complete your slideshow, download a copy for yourself and create a link to post on Canvas in the Presentation Module. As a back-up, you can post both the link and a copy of your slideshow.
Posting Your Presentation: To ensure that your assignment is posted on-time, please follow these instructions:

You will need to start in Adobe Spark—so open your account.
Find your video-slideshow.
Click on the “Share” button located above the slideshow presentation.

Once the “Share” button menu drops down, click on the “Publish” link
Follow the instructions for creating a link to your presentation.
Copy the link.
Post the link to your presentation into the Presentation Module/DB.

Slideshow Expectations:

Students will be evaluated by the instructor according to the rubric posted on Canvas.
Points will be docked for presentations that go under the allotted time of 4 minutes or over the allotted 6 minutes. Given that there is a time constraint, one of your challenges will be to select the most critical pieces of information to present.
This assignment is worth 25 points. See assignment rubric for breakdown of points.

Presentation Grading Rubric (1)

Presentation Grading Rubric (1)


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResponse to prompt

15.0 to >5.0 pts
Initial post includes all required elements in a thorough and thoughtful manner.

5.0 to >2.0 pts
Max one required element is missing.

2.0 to >0 pts
More than one required element is missing

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion

10.0 pts
Volume at acceptable level. Slides is in-focus, clear. Presentation is 4-6 minutes in length

5.0 pts
Volume at near-acceptable level. Picture/slide has some focus/clarity issues. Presentation is 4-6 minutes in length

0.0 pts
No attention paid to volume or picture/video. Presentation is under 4 minutes in length.

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