project 1 please select a topic based on the topic chosen i need you to follow assignment instructions please

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Topics with instructions for your Project 1 research/topic report are posted in Content > Project 1 Instructions. Post any questions about the requirements or expectations in the Discussion Topic: Questions for the Instructor about Project 1 or in an email.
Select a virus or disease from the table below. Post the name of the pathogen/disease and a sentence or two about why you selected it for your Project 1 report in your Project 1 Topic assignment folder. As feedback the instructor will assign you a research article to use for Part 4 Discussion of the science of a research study.
Emerging and Re-emerging Viral Infectious Diseases for Project 1*

Bourbon virus infection

Lassa virus infection

Chikungunya virus infection


Ebola hemorrhagic fever

Powassan encephalitis

Japanese encephalitis


Junin virus infection

Yellow fever

Zika virus infection

That being said please choose a topic and produce the required sentances.

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