project risk management plan 9

Risk Management Plan Submission:
You will need to create the final project format based on the following:
Cover page
Table of Content
Executive Summary
All Part

The project is structured as follows (Minimum 2 pages for below each):

Risk Management Plan
Risk Assessment Plan
Risk Mitigation Plan
Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Plan
Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) Plan

Submission Requirements
project submissions should follow this format:

Format: Microsoft Word or compatible
Font: Arial, 10-point, double-space
Citation Style: Your schoolâ€s preferred style guide

You are an information technology (IT) intern working for Health Network, Inc. (Health Network), a fictitious health services organization headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Health Network has over 600 employees throughout the organization and generates $500 million USD in annual revenue. The company has two additional locations in Portland, Oregon and Arlington, Virginia, which support a mix of corporate operations. Each corporate facility is located near a co-location data center, where production systems are located and managed by third-party data center hosting vendors.
Company Products
Health Network has three main products: HNetExchange, HNetPay, and HNetConnect.
HNetExchange is the primary source of revenue for the company. The service handles secure electronic medical messages that originate from its customers, such as large hospitals, which are then routed to receiving customers such as clinics.
HNetPay is a Web portal used by many of the companyâ€s HNetExchange customers to support the management of secure payments and billing. The HNetPay Web portal, hosted at Health Network production sites, accepts various forms of payments and interacts with credit-card processing organizations much like a Web commerce shopping cart.
HNetConnect is an online directory that lists doctors, clinics, and other medical facilities to allow Health Network customers to find the right type of care at the right locations. It contains doctors†personal information, work addresses, medical certifications, and types of services that the doctors and clinics offer. Doctors are given credentials and are able to update the information in their profile. Health Network customers, which are the hospitals and clinics, connect to all three of the companyâ€s products using HTTPS connections. Doctors and potential patients are able to make payments and update their profiles using Internet-accessible HTTPS Web sites.
I have attached a document to this question requirements by professor which have all the details init. Please match all the required steps and follow professor guide. Write 2-3 pages for each Plan subheadings in the doc.
Plagiarism should be below 5% AND Citation also above 6 refernecs!

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