put good notes under the slidesi will do 1 porters five force 2 over view 3 business strategy

put good notes under the slidesI will do
1 .Porters five force 2 .over view 3 business strategy

your team is now invited to assess a focal firmâ€s (internal to your group) business level and corporate level strategies, and determine, where the organization needs to make substantial changes – when compared to top competition. In essence, your team will be answering to a key managerial dilemma for a firm internal to the learning team.
Your team will deliver a 15 slide power point presentation (Slide 1 cover, Slide 12 –references), with slide notes,
HERE its my teammate made it .you only need to write my part which its
1 .Porters five force 2 .over view 3 business strategy
put good notes under the slidesI will do
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