reply to another students discussion board 2
Please draft a response to another students discussion board. Here is the original instructions for this students post:
Which of the four philosophical worldviews/frameworks listed above most closely aligns with your perspective and the way that you view problems in the world? How does your research worldview/framework compare with worldview/frameworks that align with qualitative methodology?
How does understanding the connection between philosophical worldviews/frameworks and qualitative research methodology assist in your approach to conducting research? What do you need to consider?
Compare/contrast philosophical worldview with that of a Christian worldview. Are there any areas that are problematic or do most philosophical worldviews/frameworks appear to be congruent with a Christian worldview?
How does Kellerâ€s perspective on being frustrated in your work (p. 94) relate to frustration in conducting research?
Here is the students original post that you are replying to:
Jesus tells us in John 12:26, “If anyone serves me, he must follow me.†Christians are bound to follow the example of Jesus Christ in their daily lives, and their covenant with God firmly establishes a Christian worldview that calls us to serve the Lord and serve others before ourselves. A belief in God, faith in God, trust in God, a joy in the heart, a compassion for others, and a desire to do good and glorify God are characteristics of a Christian worldview. Keller and Alsdorf (2012) discussed how a Christian worldview may be applied to a work philosophy and reminded Christians that work should “fit our gifts and capacities†(p. 103) and benefit others, while we should “show a better, fairer, more skillful, more ennobling way of doing what you do†(p. 104).
This Christian worldview and work philosophy should then inform a Christian scholarâ€s academic assumptions and philosophical approaches to research. Led by their worldview and equipped with a desire to examine social phenomena, social researchers look around them and ask why people act, think, perceive, and communicate in the ways that they do and what impact their behavior has on others around them. Every researcher brings with them unique experiences and history that affect their worldview, their philosophy, and their orientation to research (Creswell & Ploth, 2018). How individuals perceive the world impacts how they approach research (Overview and introduction to qualitative research methods, 2020). Creswell and Ploth (2018) explained an approach to research is founded on a researcherâ€s philosophical worldview based upon ontological, epistemological, axiological, and methodological views. These philosophical considerations address how one views reality, knowledge, value, and procedures. Creswell and Ploth (2018) discussed how these philosophical assumptions lead to four main interpretive frameworks that include postpositivism, social constructivism, transformative framework, and postmodernism. Guided by these paradigms, scholars shape their research questions, design their studies, determine their methods, and interpret their results.
As a communication scholar, I am primarily interested in exploring and examining the complicated nature of communication. I believe that meaning is multiple and varied, and that knowledge is socially constructed. Since I situate multiple meanings within social interactions, I value the reflexivity of the researcher, and I prefer to explore the social world through interacting with participants and interpreting their experiences. These beliefs lead me to study communication through a constructivistâ€s lens. Lindlof (2008) defined constructivism as a social science paradigm that assumes individuals actively participate in creating meaning of their world. Constructivists adhere to the tenet that “reality is actively constructed – that is, created, maintained, and transformed – by human actors†(Lindlof, 2008, p. 944). Constructivism aligns with the goals of communication research because communication as a discipline is about studying how people negotiate, create, and share meaning (Gasiorek & Hubbard, 2017).
As a Christian, communication scholar with a constructivistâ€s perspective, qualitative research presents an appropriate way to investigate communication phenomena. Creswell and Ploth (2018) describe qualitative research as beginning with the “assumptions and the use of interpretive/theoretical frameworks that inform the study of research problems addressing the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem†(p. 8). Qualitative research is directed by the belief that reality is subjective, and that truth is constructed individually. Qualitative researchers work inductively, beginning with research questions about social phenomenon that ask why, what, or how (Overview and introduction to qualitative research methods, 2020), and then they collect data in naturalistic settings, asking individuals or observing people to see how they experience the world (Creswell & Cresswell, 2018). Words are the units of analysis for qualitative studies. Researchers collect data in the form of interviews or observation, and then they code the data, looking for emerging themes. The process is interactive, engaging, and emerging (Creswell & Creswell, 2018; Creswell & Ploth, 2018). Terrell (2016) explained qualitative research is approached from an insiderâ€s perspective “by direct involvement, collaboration, and interaction with the research participants†(p. 147). Therefore, authenticity is the hallmark of solid qualitative research (Creswell & Ploth, 2018). Constructivist and transformative research studies are most closely tied to qualitative research studies. At the conclusion of a qualitative research study, researchers often form theories to explain their findings. This is one reason that qualitative research frequently precedes quantitative research (Overview and introduction to qualitative research methods, 2020) because those theories can then be tested through quantitative methods.
According to Creswell and Ploth (2018), researchers should seek methodological congruence in their work. This means that “the purposes, questions, and methods of research are all interconnected and interrelated so that the study appears as a cohesive whole rather than as fragmented, isolated parts†(p. 50). Aligning the researcherâ€s background, worldview, philosophical assumptions, interpretive framework, and approach to research creates studies that are harmonious, connected, and ultimately, stronger. For this reason, it is essential for researchers to consider their history, standpoint, and philosophy, so they may select an appropriate and relevant approach to research. With a firm understanding of the foundations to research, researchers may then design rigorous, robust research studies that appropriately address social phenomena. With congruence between their research and their Christian worldview, Christian scholars may avoid the trap of seeing research as frustrating, meaningless work. Instead, according to Keller and Alsdorf (2012), we are called to be fairer, more skilled, and more ennobled scholars. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us how we can answer that call, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.â€
Creswell, J.W., and Creswell, J.D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed
methods approaches (5th ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Creswell, J. W. & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among
five approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Gasiorek, J., & Ebesu Hubbard, A. S. (2017). Perspectives on perspective-taking in
communication research. Review of Communication, 17(2), 87–105.
Keller, T & Alsdorf, K. (2012). Every good endeavor: Connecting your work to Godâ€s work.
New York, NY: Penguin Random House LLC.
Lindlof, T. (2008). Constructivism. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of
Communication (pp. 944-950). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Overview and introduction to qualitative research methods . (2020). Blackboard.
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For your replies, respond to at least 2 classmates building upon the original thread or offering a contrasting viewpoint.
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