report builds up on the previous report about construction industry

The Final report builds up on the previous report and should be revised based on your instructor’s feedback. It should include:

Detailed History of the industry in United States including other parts of the world (based on the preliminary report with additional information and analyis)
Current status of the industry in terms of workforce employed (direct or indirect), technology, geographical distribution etc (based on the preliminary report).
Describe in detail the remaining two of the five forces [ (a) Competition in the industry; (b) Potential of new entrants into the industry; (c) Power of suppliers; (d) Power of customers; and (e) Threat of substitute products] relevant to the industry.
Include the three forces covered in the preliminary report with additional input.
You will also add new sections to the final report – Each of the two forces chosen should be described in separate sections.
Describe the future trend relating to sustainable profit levels of the industry in the near and the long term.

Final report should be 11-12 pages in length (single spaced, twelve font and one inch borders). It should cover all the five forces comprehensively.
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