response paper 4 pages asian americans amp hispanics

(Great English is a must!! No grammar errors!)
(I will provide all the needed materials]
(The answers needs to be based strictly on the materials provided]
(Total 4 Full Pages,APA Format)
Subject of the paper: Hispanics and Asian Americans

Requirement: submit two short response papers (about two pages each, double-spaced) addressing readings assigned for two separate classes (not the lectures). Briefly summarize/discuss the readings and describe your personal reactions/opinions (commentary) about the readings and topic (if there is more than one reading assigned, you should discuss all the readings). Papers should show evidence that you did all the readings (you should not just write about your own opinion based on your general knowledge of the topic or respond to only one or two specific things that the readings happen to mention). Good response papers should do more than merely summarize the readings.
Topic 1: Hispanics/ Asian Americans
Topic 2: Hispanics

Other information: The two responses will be provided in the same document but will be separated. Each topic will be discussed in minimum 2 full pages. This means that the final version should have 4 full pages.


APA Format
No plagiarism is accepted
Will provide the materials to the tutor.

*** The work will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin by the professor. It is essential for everything to be free of plagiarism otherwise sanctions will be imposed***
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