short paper 231

Part 1-Reflect on what you have read in the Chapter 1 The Nature of Strategic Management and Chapter 2 The Business Vision and Mission and then type a 1.5 page paper concerning the topics that you believed where worth your reading and understanding. What was the most valuable thing that you learned and why?
Paper should be based upon the Chapters listed so the textbook should be a source listed in the reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they are accurate to explain.
Part 2 – Read The Cohesion Case (“Coca-Cola Company, 2018”) at the end of Chapter 1 and then do Exercise 1A “Update the Coca-Cola Cohesion Case” (Coca-Cola Press Releases can be located in the “Events, Reports, and Releases” tab on the Coca-Cola website). This is a one-page, double-spaced assignment.
Then go to the end of Chapter 2 and do Exercise 2A and 2B “Write a Vision and Mission Statement for the Coca-Cola Company.” This is a minimum of one-page, double-spaced assignment.

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