stat3215cbe 3

You are currently working at NCLEX Memorial Hospital in the Infectious Diseases Unit. Over the past few days, you have noticed an increase in patients admitted with a particular infectious disease. You believe that the ages of these patients play a critical role in the method used to treat the patients. You decide to speak to your manager, and together you work to use statistical analysis to look more closely at the ages of these patients.
You do some research and put together a spreadsheet
of the data that
contains the following information:

Client number
Infection disease status
Age of the patient

You are to put together a PowerPoint presentation that explains the analysis of your findings which you will submit to your manager. The presentation should contain all components of your findings. For review, the components of the report should include:

Brief overview of the scenario and variables in the data set
Discussion, calculation, and interpretation of the mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, and variance
Discussion, construction, and interpretation of the 95% confidence interval
Explanation of the full hypothesis test

The calculations should be performed in your spreadsheet that you will also submit to your manager. You can find additional information on what to add to your PowerPoint presentation in this Word document
. Use the questions in the worksheet as your guide for the contents of your presentation.
For your final deliverable, submit your PowerPoint presentation and the Excel workbook showing your work. Do not submit your Word document.
Grading Rubric



Not Submitted
No Pass

Not Submitted
Did not correctly solve a majority of the problems or at least one problem left blank.
Correctly solved a majority of the problems.
Correctly solved almost all the problems.
All problems are solved correctly.

Not Submitted
Very few steps are provided to explain how to solve the problem OR the steps provided have several errors.
Fairly complete and detailed steps are provided to explain how to solve the problem OR the steps provided have some errors.
Mostly complete and detailed steps are provided to explain how to solve the problem.
Complete and detailed steps are provided to explain how to solve the problem.

Not Submitted
Explanations generally lack a basic understanding of the statistical concepts or lack of proper terminology.
Explanations demonstrate a basic understanding of most of the statistical concepts and terminology, but some explanations may be incomplete or incorrect.
Explanations demonstrate a proficient understanding of most of the statistical concepts and terminology, but with small errors.
Explanations demonstrate a mastery of understanding of the statistical concepts and terminology.

Not Submitted
The majority of variables, equations, and expressions are not properly formatted.
The majority of variables, equations, and expressions are properly formatted.
Almost all variables, equations, and expressions are properly formatted.
All variables, equations, and expressions are properly formatted.

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